Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Zepheria Sonnet IIII

      Oh then Desire, father of iouisance,
The Life of loue, the death of dastard feare,
The kindest Nurse to true persčuerance,
Mine heart enherited with thy loues reuere.

      Beautie peculiar parent of conceite,
Prosperous Midwife to a trauelling Muse,
The sweete of life Nepenthe eyes receite
Thee into me distild, oh sweete infuse.

      Loue then the spirit of a generous sprite,
An infant euer drawing Natures brest,
The summe of life that Chaos did vnnight
Dismist mine heart from me with thee to rest.

      And now incites me cry double or quit,
      Give back my heart, or take his body to it.


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